
Torii T., Miyamoto Y., Sanbe A., Nishimura K., Yamauchi J. and Tanoue A. Cytohesin-2/ARNO, through its interaction with focal adhesion adaptor protein paxillin, regulates preadipocyte migration via the downstream activation of Arf6. J. Biol. Chem. 285: 24270-81, 2010

Yamauchi J., Torii T., Kusakawa S., Sanbe A., Nakamura K., Takashima S., Hamasaki H., Kawaguchi S., Miyamoto Y. and Tanoue A. The mood stabilizer valproic acid improves defective neurite formation caused by charcot-marie-tooth disease-associated mutant Rab7 through the JNK signaling pathway. J Neurosci Res. 88: 3189-3197, 2010

Marunouchi T, Abe Y, Sanbe A and Tanonaka K. Possible involvement of the HSPB5 oligomer in reducing mitochondrial energy-producing ability of the failing heart following acute myocardial infarction. XX World Congress International Society for Heart Research, Kyoto, Japan, P-1-6-4, 2010

Haba G., Nishigori H., Tezuka Y., Kagami K. Altered development and brain of chick embryos by antithyroid drug. International Conference on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. May 6-8, Munich, Germany, 2010

Sanbe A., Miyauchi N., Nishigori H. and Tanoue A. Cardiac histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) activity is critical for disease progression in desmin-related cardiomyopathy The 82th Scientific Sessions of American Heart Association. Chicago IL., USA. Circulation 122:A12922, 2010

Sanbe A., Marunouchi T., Tanonaka K., Nishigori H. and Tanoue A. Protective Effect of Nicorandil, a Mitochondrial ATP-sensitive Potassium (mKATP) Channel Opener, on Mitochondrial Impairments Can Prolong Survival in Alpha-Beta-Crystallin R120G Transgenic Mice The 82th Scientific Sessions of American Heart Association/Resuscitation Science symposium. Chicago IL. USA. Circulation.122:A16, 2010

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鏡圭介、西郡秀夫「受精鶏卵-鶏胚-ヒナ系」の医薬研究への利用(1) 鶏胚発育期における甲状腺ホルモンの役割-抗甲状腺薬暴露とヒナの刷り込み能-、日本薬学会第130年回、岡山、2010年

岸本成史、手塚優、西郡秀夫 マクロファージ様に分化させたHL-60細胞の活性化を引き起こす牛乳カゼイン由来の生理性ペプチド、日本薬学会第130年回、岡山、2010年